Recipe: Aam Panna (Raw mango juice)

The mango season is here and so is the tangy and delectable aam panaa! We bring you the easiest aam panna recipe!

Ingredients for Aam Panna (raw mango juice)

Raw mango – 500 gms
Ice cubes (crushed) – 15
Cumin seed powder (dried and roasted) – ½ Tsp
Mint leaves – few
Sugar and salt to taste

Method of making aam panaa

Wash the mangoes and place them with some water in a pressure cooker to boil.
Boil it on simmer for 5 minutes.
Allow it to cool and strain of the water.
Peel the mangoes and remove the pulp completely with the spoon (leaving behind the seed)
Place the pulp in a deep bowl.
Add water to the pulp and whisk thoroughly.
Add sugar and salt to taste.
Stir well , and add cumin seeds .
Refrigerate till it cools .
Serve chill with crushed ice and mint leaves on top.